Stories of Wisdom : By — Ruskin Bond — GoBookMart

By — Ruskin Bond
When you find yourself getting lost in a story, and keep wishing for it to never end, nothing can be better than that. This is usually the case with Ruskin Bond’s stories. Writing about his stories is like showing candle to the Sun. But l can’t help it. What fun it is when you have a bunch of like-minded people to share you feelings with! It doubles your happiness that you’ve found after reading the story.
This book has two wonderful and engrossing stories. The best thing is that these stories come with strong messages of wisdom. Mr. Bond tells about the life of hill folks in his stories, and the hardships, they go through, due to tough conditions of their surroundings. The changing weather conditions, mainly due to deforestation, has affected them a lot, and it has made, earning the necessities of life, tough for them. The hills where once there was snow, are now facing forest fires, lessened rains, deforestation and polluted air. Living in these changing conditions, and longing for the good bygone times is heart-breaking sometimes. Mr. Bond has wonderfully created a story out of these conditions that can help the kids understand the worsening conditions of hills, and can create wisdom to being a part in positive progress, that wouldn’t harm the Nature. My favourite line from the book is,
“It is better to grow things on the land than to blast things out of it.”
Another wonderful thing about Ruskin sir’s writing is the way he fits birds, trees and other natural beings and objects in every story, where it is not needed actually, but it makes the story so amazing that you feel mesmerized. There’s one such reference in one of the stories from this book,
“A rock lizard popped its head out of a crevice to look at the intruders. Then, like some prehistoric survivor, it scuttled back into its underground shelter.”
What more can I say! I fall more in love with this man’s work the more I read his books. I wish he always keep writing and my heart keep getting more bigger with the happiness I gain from reading his words.
Originally published at on November 5, 2020.